Tobacco JIBIAR Lime Lychee Blueberry

150 грн.
330 грн.
600 грн.
1100 грн.

  • Fortress: high (7-8)
  • icon Taste: lime, lychee, blueberry
I want to purchase
Original tobacco


  • Fortress: medium
  • Taste: lime, lychee, blueberry
  • Smoke: high
Tobacco Jibiar Lime Lychee Blueberry (Lime Lychee Blueberry) - a mix of lime, lychee and blueberry.
An interesting mix with a fruit called Chinese Pear. Sweet, slightly spicy, with sour lime. It is unusual and enjoyable. Blueberries add astringency and color the taste of overseas lychee in a gentle familiar shade.

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