Tobacco Jibiar Lime Crush

150 грн.
330 грн.
600 грн.
1100 грн.

  • Fortress: high (7-8)
  • icon Taste: lime and lemon
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Original tobacco



  • Fortress: high
  • Taste: lime and lemon
  • Smoke: high

Tobacco Jibiar Lime Crush (Lime Crash) - a refreshing citrus mix of lime and lemon. The pleasant fresh taste of lime and lemon with notes of orange gives an unsurpassed sour taste with a sweet aftertaste.

This is sourness, it is so rich, juicy and pleasant that it fascinates and makes you squint with pleasure. This is a real explosion of emotions, where saturated lemon blends perfectly with the unusually authentic taste of lime.

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