Tobacco Jibiar Ice Strawberry (Ice Strawberry)

150 грн.
330 грн.
600 грн.
1100 грн.

  • Fortress: high (7-8)
  • icon Taste: fruit - strawberries with menthol
I want to purchase

Original tobacco



  • Fortress: high
  • Taste: ice and strawberries
  • Smoke: high

Curious tobacco mix from the famous Turkish company. The combination of ice, melon and strawberries allows you to get the perfect hookah, which is highly appreciated by both girls and guys from around the world. An excellent summer mix contains a delicious mix of ripe fruit, which you always want to smoke!

The top combination of ice and strawberry with the addition of cool ice. A cool mix if you want a sugary sweet aroma with powerful freshness. It leaves not only a chill after itself, but also a slight sourness.

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